Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dave Ramsey is da bomb!

This week I began leading a table at the Financial Peace course that VCC is offering for it's staff during the day. It is my second time taking the course. Chuck and I took it last fall together and were blown away by how Dave presented great financial principles with such wisdom and LOTS of humor. So we got on a budget and started showing our money where to go, instead of wondering where it went. Unfortunately, it lasted as long as the course lasted.

It is amazing how quickly we fall back into bad habits. It was so freeing to live on cash. But it takes WORK!

Budgeting is so tricky. It never seems to be the same and I'm constantly revising it. Paying bills and doing budgets take time and it rates along the same lines as a root canal for me. I will tend to clean the toilet before I do bills.

I do love the results though. To see our debt being paid down feels like a great achievement and the hope of one day being completely debt free keeps me hanging on. I just so want to be there last week! Budgeting is also so tricky. It never seems to be the same and I'm constantly revising it. It takes time and is frustrating.

So I am have given myself grace and am accepting that although I took 2 steps forward and 1 step back, I will continue to walk steadily and surely in weekly budgeting and will be satisfied watching the debt go away slowly, resting in the fact that perseverance and self-discipline builds character and maturity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post - I feel similar about the 2 steps forward, 1 step back. Although sometimes it feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back. :)